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A Women God Uses


Sermon Title: A Women God Uses

Sermon Text: Proverbs 31: 30-31

Sermon Date: 5-8-2016

A Godly women is a woman who positions herself under and operates according to the rule of God over every area of her life

Godly women throughout the Bible saved lives and nations.

It was Jochebed who intervened on behalf of her son Moses. Because of her watchful protection, Moses was later used as the deliverer of Israel (Exodus 2).

It was Moses’ wife, Zipporah, who saved Moses’

life when God was going to punish him for his refusal to follow a simple command

(Exodus 4:24–26).

Esther’s bravery gave the opportunity for the Jewish people to defend themselves from what would have been utter annihilation.

Ruth’s refusal to return to her own people because of her dedication to her

mother-in-law, Naomi, led to the on-going line of the Messiah (Ruth 4:18–22).

Rahab was instrumental in the victory of Israel over Jericho.

Mary carried God’s Son in her womb.


The primary foundation of being a Godly woman doesn’t include a million different things done a million different ways. The primary foundation is actually simple and straightforward. It is located at the end of Proverbs 31. After listing everything that this particular woman did, the verse says, “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works praise her at the city gate.” (Proverbs 31:30–31)


What sets a Godly woman apart from any other woman boils down to her fear of God. Her reverence determines her actions, thoughts, words, and priorities. Without that, the demands of life would overwhelm any woman.


How does “fear of the Lord” manifest itself in the life of a Godly women?


  1. What does it mean to “fear the Lord?”

The basis of how a kingdom woman functions comes out of her fear of

God. How she prioritizes her home and family, organizes her life, makes decisions,

chooses investments, and develops her skills all occur from her efforts to advance God’s kingdom. If it is rooted in anything else, it will lead to weariness and busyness rather than fruitfulness and abundance.

“To fear God” is simply to take God seriously.   It means to place what God says and what requires as the highest priority in your life.  It means reverence or awe.  To hold in highest esteem.  A Godly women fears the Lord in every area of her life.

Movies, music, magazines and social media doesn’t control a women who fears God.  The culture, her co-workers don’t dictate her emotions or define who she is.  

Her lone and primary influence in a Godly women’s life is God.  His voice is the loudest.  He is the One she seeks to please in every aspect of her life.  Her deepest reverence of God determines her choices.


  1. How does “the fear of the Lord” manifest itself in the life of a Godly Women

  1. She is spirit filled Luke 1: 15

  2. She is surrendered

Luke 1:38 Mary says “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”

Mary offered herself to God as a living sacrifice.  She was willing to be used by God for His purpose—willing to endure the loss of reputation, ridicule and popularity to follow God’s agenda for her life.

  1. She is a women of Scripture

A Godly women understands her prayers, her responses and her words need to be saturated with God’s way of thinking and the only way to do that is to be a women of Scripture.

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